Chieppo Strategies LLC

Public Policy Writing and Communication

Chieppo Strategies LLC mixes unique public policy expertise with a proven record of effective advocacy to deliver results for clients.

With an in-depth knowledge of state issues ranging from education, transportation and construction to public employee labor, business costs and the state budget, the firm offers companies, associations and other clients a range of valuable services.

  • Opinion writing and placement
  • Media strategy
  • Research paper writing and analysis
  • Magazine/industry journal writing
  • Newsletters
  • Corporate/organizational messaging
  • Speechwriting

"Chieppo's knowledge of the issues and the politics that surround them put him in a class by himself. He can take even the most complex subject and create a compelling message that resonates with policy makers and the general public alike."

~ Gregory F. Beeman, President,
Associated Builders and Contractors of Massachusetts.